Synonym: cotton on, get it, get onto, get wise, latch on, tumble, twig. Similar words: catch, switch on, catches, watch out for, catch fire, catch up with, watch, patch. Meaning: v. 1. understand, usually after some initial difficulty 2. become popular.
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(1) It could catch on fire easily.
(2) I wonder if the game will ever catch on with young people?
(3) Eddie slipped the safety catch on his automatic back into place.
(4) The hook which he had thrown did not catch on the rocks, and dropped back to the ground.
(5) It's a good idea, but it'll never catch on.
(6) I can't open the catch on this bracelet.
(7) The catch on my handbag is broken.
(8) Is the safety catch on?
(9) The catch on that door is broken.
(10) The catch on this door is broken.
(11) He's very quick to catch on.
(12) Wait a minute! I'm beginning to catch on.
(13) He is very quick to catch on to things.
(14) I don't quite catch on.
(15) Jack's always the last to catch on my joke.
(16) Fran slipped the catch on the door[], then turned to say good - bye .
(17) Being a foreigner, he did not catch on the joke.
(18) He doesn't take hints very easily[Sentencedict], but he'll catch on eventually.
(19) You'll catch on to the job after you've been here a while.
(20) Would you mind repeating that? I didn't quite catch on.
(21) The catch on this door seems to be broken. It won't open.
(22) It took me a long time to catch on to the directions.
(23) Please repeat what you said, I didn't quite catch on.
(24) But one poor guy was slow to catch on.
(25) The catch on my necklace is broken.
(26) Whether the idea will catch on is anybody's guess.
(27) And keep medicines up high, also with a catch on the cupboard.
(28) The idea of glasses being a fashion item has been slow to catch on.
(29) Ham it up, as much as you like-the children will soon catch on to the fun.
(30) But just as the international community was beginning to catch on, quality began to drop and box office receipts went down.